Project Overview 2014 - 2018
SFB-TR 84 "Angeborene Immunität der Lunge: Mechanismen des Pathogenangriffs und der Wirtsabwehr in der Pneumonie"
Area APathogen recognition in the lung and initiation of innate immune response | Area BHumoral and cell-based bronchoalveolar defence mechanisms | Area CControl of host response in the bronchoalveolar compartment and strategies for intervention |
A1 - Bauer / Opitz Role of innate immune receptors in preventing hyper-inflammation and promoting repair during bacterial pneumonia | B1 - Zahlten / Suttorp / Hain Peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGLYRPs) as regulators of innate immunity in the lung | C1 - Schmeck/ Vingron MicroRNA in the pathogenesis of Legionella pneumonia |
A2 - Wygrecka / Preissner The role of enolase-1 and extracellular nucleic acids in lung infection and their contribution to innate immune responses and bacterial tropism | B2 - Herold / Pleschka / Wolff Novel pathways of alveolar epithelial cell injury in influenza virus pneumonia: cellular cross-talks and virus-host interactions | C3 - Mayer / Witzenrath Resolvin E1 and related lipid mediators programming the resolution of inflammation in pneumonia |
A4 - Pillich / Chakraborty Pathophysiological roles of endoplasmic reticulum stress, autophagy and microvillus inclusion during infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae | B3 - Hackstein / Bauer / Lohmeyer Development and function of respiratory macrophages and dendritic cell subsets during bacterial pneumonia | C6 - Witzenrath / Weissmann The Angiopoietin-/Tie-2 system in severe pneumonia |
A5 - Opitz / Chaput / Heimesaat Cross-talk of antimicrobial therapy, microbiota and innate immunity in pneumonia caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria | B5 - Meisel A / Meisel C Paralysis of pulmonary immunity after cerebral ischemia by parasympathetic nervous system | C7 - Fischer / Müller-Redetzky Host extracellular nucleic acids in severe pneumonia: Mechanisms and therapeutic approaches with adrenomedullin |
A6 - Krasteva-Christ / Kummer Pathogen recognition by taste receptors and coupling to mucociliary clearance | B6 - Hocke / Hippenstiel Role of mitochondria for innate immune activation in pneumonia | C8 - Seeberger / Sander Tuning innate immune responses to augment anti-carbohydrate vaccines against bacterial pneumonia |
Area Z: Service Projekte | |
Z1a - Hocke “High-end” microscopy in cellular microbiology of the lung | Z1b – Gruber Experimental histopathology, advanced histomorphometrical digital image analysis, molecular pathology and tissue banking |
Moduls | |
T1 - Hocke / Hippenstiel / Hassel High-pressure water jet cutting for long-term intravital microscopy based analysis of innate immune mechanisms of human lung | EN1 - Sander Regulation of protective pulmonary immunity by innate pathways sensing bacterial viability |