SFB-TR 84: 2010 - 2014
SFB-TR 84 "Angeborene Immunität der Lunge: Mechanismen des Pathogenangriffs und der Wirtsabwehr in der Pneumonie"
Area APathogen recognition in the lung and initiation of innate immune response | Area BHumoral and cell-based bronchoalveolar defence mechanisms | Area CControl of host response in the bronchoalveolar compartment and strategies for intervention |
A1 - Bauer / Opitz Innate immune recognition of bacterial nucleic acids in pneumonia | B1 - Aly / Suttorp / Hain Analysis of the role and regulation mechanisms of peptidoglycan recognition peptides (PGLYRPs) in pneumonia | C1 - Schmeck/ Vingron MicroRNA in the pathogenesis of Legionella pneumonia |
A2 - Wygrecka / Preissner The role of extracellular RNA and RNA-binding proteins in lung infection and inflammation | B2 - Herold / Pleschka / Wolff Cell-type specific roles of the TRAIL-DR5-axis in influenza virus pneumonia. Impact of viral replication, host defense and pathogenicity | C2 - Hippenstiel / Lohmeyer Krüppel-like factors as regulators of inflammation in pneumococci pneumonia |
A4 - Pillich / Chakraborty Induction of autophagy by Streptococcus pneumoniae | B3 - Hackstein / Lohmeyer Impact of macrophage/dendritic cell subsets on inflammation control in pneumonia caused by Streptococcus and Klebsiella pneumoniae | C3 - Mayer / Witzenrath Resolvins and other lipid mediators and their role in resolution of inflammation in pneumonia |
Area Z:Service Projekte | B4 - Santoso / Schermully Novel pathways of neutrophil-endothelial cell interaction in acute bacterial pneumonia: impact on transmigration kinetics and organ failure | C4 - Klötzel / Seifert Pathogen induced alterations of the Ubiquitin-Proteasome-Systeme (UPS) during innate immune response in the lung |
Z1a - Hocke High end microscopy and digital image analysis in cellular microbiology of the lung | B5 - Meisel A / Meisel C Paralysis of pulmonary immunity after cerebral ischemia by parasympathetic nervous system | C5 - Hocke / Hippenstiel Interference of S. pneumoniae and L. pneumophila with glucocorticoid dependent signalling in pulmonary cells and human lungs |
Z1b – Gruber Experimental Histopathology, Morphometry, Molecular Pathology and Tissue Banking | C6 - Witzenrath / Weissmann The Angiopoietin-/Tie-2 system in severe pneumonia |